Round Two

I am quite pleased to announce that as of this morning, I am officially extending my stay here in Australia! I have accepted a contract with my job, and I’m all set to continue life here in Brisbane! *insert 15 party emojis* ahah.

I am pretty excited that I have the chance to experience another summer here, and of course avoid the terrible terrible winter in Canada. We all know how deep my hate for winter really runs. I’m obviously like obsessed with the beach, and should never ever give up a chance to spend my weekends on some of the best beaches in the entire world (no big).

My flatmates Emily (Left) and Mackenzie (Right, obviously). Missing: Fraser (he’s cool too)

Anyway, I’m sure you have some questions, so here I am to answer a few of them:

When are you coming home?

I don’t know! I am for sure coming back to North America for a family/friend vacation that is booked for the end of February. At this point, that is the only thing I know for sure in my future. Depending on a few things, I may or may not come home for Christmas as well (We’ll see)

What made you decide to stay?

I leave a good quality of life over here. I make more than enough money, have a job I somewhat enjoy, and contributes to my career, I LOVE THE WEATHER, I love where I live, and I am generally happy! I realized a few weeks ago that giving up all these good things just didn’t make sense. Like at all. In any form.

This is about three blocks from where I live, overlooking Brisbane City (Kangaroo Point Cliffs)

Don’t you miss your friends and family?

OF COURSE! I miss them so much it hurts sometimes. But the thing is, it’s going to be Winter (we all know how I feel about that, and bad weather makes traveling to see them difficult), and I’m going to have to get at least one low paying job (likely) to get by. When I left I was working two jobs and barely saw my friends and family. So it’s not like it’s aaaaallll that different right? When I do come home, it’ll be that much better I think.

Are you going to keep traveling?

YEAH! This is one of the main reasons I want to stay. I traveled most of Australia now, but I haven’t been to New Zealand, Bali, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam etc. There are sooooo many places I want to go, and being here a little longer really just gives me that chance. Plus, it’s a lot easier to find travel mates while I’m already here!

How is everyone reacting to the news?

My Aussie friends are thrilled. My Mom and best friend definitely are not. I guess that’s common sense, but I thought I’d bring it up.

So yeah, that’s the big news. I am really excited, and happy, and generally pleased that it has all worked out. I am thankful I have so many people to support me, and I am thrilled to continue my adventure! So cheers to a very bright (hopefully) and hot (definitely) future!



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