
Hi, I’m Emily.

I’m a 24 year old Canadian, and technically also American (woo dual citizenship). I originally started this blog as a way to kill time when I finished University and was extremely broke and unemployed. Eventually I got a job, and I wrote about the trials and all of the hard lessons I learned while working my first career jobs. I wasn’t a huge fan of being an adult and working, so I quit. Currently, I am traveling Australia and living life to the fullest (cliche not intended/but a little since I wrote it).

This blog isn’t a travel blog, or a photo blog, or anything special. It’s just me talking about myself, and my life, and where I am going. It’s a little unconventional, and doesn’t really have a theme. So what can you expect? Well I laugh at myself a lot, cliche opinions, stories of misfortunes and adventures, and a whole lot of me asking questions that I don’t know the answer to in desperate hope that someone will help me out.

I blog for a few reasons. I blog for me, because it helps me reflect and remember situations. It also helps me make future decisions, and get through difficult situations. I blog also for my friends and family. I don’t really know why, but people like hearing about my adventures. I have been blogging for almost two years, this experience has taught me that people find solace in the ordinary. I don’t have extraordinary experiences or problems, and blogging has allowed people to connect with me. Blogging has brought to me a community of readers who walk with me, and connect with through common issues, or to give encouragement to me in the midst of mine.

I hope that if there’s something on here that you relate to, or want to know, you’ll reach out to me. Especially because I love to talk, and have known to be a chronic over-sharer.

So welcome, to Emily’s Unpredictable Life!


One thought on “About

  1. Love this Em! Good for you! Nothing wrong with being an “over sharer”-I’m part of that club too! Excited to read about your adventures!

    Liked by 1 person

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