Tough Days 

This blog goes out to anyone who is having a tough day, or week in my case. It never ceases to amaze me how complicated life can get, seemingly out of nowhere. Being in my 20’s, pretty much nothing is secure. Finances, living arrangements, relationships, nothing. In a moments notice, I went from unemployed to career driven. From no income to weekly income. I went from single…wait no still single. These past few months have been a whirlwind of things that I thought were finally coming together. I was starting to gain some momentum and figure some of my life out.

Then all of a sudden, BAM! Life is a mess again. All it takes is once piece to fall apart and it almost feels like the rest relied on that. As someone who likes to plan and have everything figured out, let me tell you, my 20’s has not been easy on me. Almost all my blog posts up to this point have talked about contentment in some way. This one is different. This past week has shown me how content and happy I really was with the way my life was going, until it wasn’t anymore of course. It’s way way way more difficult to be content when things just aren’t working out for you. Contentment is the last thing I want to think about when things get tough, but that’s the point isn’t it? It’s being content with where you are are trusting that God will help you through it – that’s the point. So if you’re reading this, please pray for my messy life and where I’m at right now, and that contentment can be found even on the tough days.

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